Resolve Old Tax Issues

Take the opportunity to gain peace of mind and resolve past tax issues. We will review your specific situation in a kind, non-judgemental way.

Filing back tax returns is the most common issue. We will prepare the all returns and use all legal means to reduce your taxes due.

In most cases an affordable payment plan can be arranged. In addition an “Offer in Compromise” made be accepted by the IRS that will substantially reduce your tax bill.

How to Get Started

If you are new to FTB Tax Services please come in for a free consultation. We will discuss your particular tax situation, make sure there are no issues with past returns, and you will receive a tax planning package.

You gather the needed information and bring the information to your tax appointment. Your taxes will be complete and filed on time electronically.

If you are current in your taxes you may request the current year tax planning package using the contact me form on the right. In that package there are places to put all the relevant tax information for filing.

Bring the gathered information to your tax appointment. Your taxes will be complete and filed on time electronically.